Wisdom from a $100M CEO: 7 Essential Lessons to Map Out Path to Success


Imagine if you could access a universal formula for entrepreneurial success and personal prosperity and map out your path to success. I’m David Meltzer, a renowned $100 million CEO and entrepreneur, has distilled my experiences into seven crucial lessons that I believe are universally applicable. My insights aren’t merely suggestions for financial success; they are comprehensive guides to a fulfilling professional and personal life.

As an accomplished speaker, author, and entrepreneur, thrives on principles like cultivating a grateful mindset and building a network of influential individuals who mirror your future aspirations.

With these seven foundational lessons, anyone can map out a path to success that they envision.

  1. Embrace Failure:

Fear and failure are not adversaries; they are guides.

“In order to identify failure, you need to identify fear because fear is the only thing that defines failure.”

There are only two types of fear – the fear of the past and the fear of the future. Regret and guilt come with the fear of the past and anxiety and worry are what comes along with the future. Rather than being hindered by these fears, he suggests harnessing them as sources of growth and innovation. By embracing failure, he contends that we are both protected and promoted because failure carves the path for a better future. The overarching principle here is that failure is a stepping stone and that something better is coming.

2.  The Power of Relationships:

Relationships are important because they create community.

“The real power of relationships is creating a community of people who are willing to help each other and know each other who can help each other.”

I champion the building of relationships with open minds, hearts, and hands, with the aim to provide and receive value. This network can be built in person, on the phone, via email, or through media, aggregating an abundance of opportunities. For me, relationships are the key to unlocking potential. You need to attract people who not only want to receive value but also give it in return as well. I argue that you will aggregate opportunities as soon as you grow and foster these relationships.

Consistent Action:

You need to use a ‘Triple-A Strategy’ as I believe consistent action not only gives better results but consistent results too. The first step I believe in getting here starts off with creating a plan which will offer you my first ‘A’ in my strategy, “Alignment”. Following that I have my second strategy, “Action”, as you need to take action towards the aligned plan you have created, Lastly, you need to prepare for “Adjustments”. If you use this ‘Triple-A Strategy’ you can have consistent action that gives you more, faster and better.

The ‘Triple A Strategy’ (Alignment, Action, Adjustment) forms the cornerstone of my approach to achieving goals. Consistent action leads to superior results, delivered more quickly. This strategy encourages creating a plan, taking action, and preparing for necessary adjustments – a recipe for sustainable success.

  1. Ask for Help:

The three most powerful words are, “Ask for help”. In my view, progress is a collaborative effort. The more humility comes from asking for help than choosing to share your help. You should start seeking advice from those who have already achieved what you aspire to. The fastest way to get to where you want to be is by finding someone who is already in that position and asking them how they got there. This concept challenges the traditional self-reliance narrative, positing that growth and achievement are often collective efforts.

  1. Gratitude and Mindset:

A powerful mindset is rooted in gratitude. By viewing life through a lense of gratitude, the light, love, and lessons in your life will become more visible, fostering a positive perspective. The simple act of saying “thank you” when you wake up and go to bed is a life-changing habit that I live by, paving the way for both appreciation and ambition.

“The easiest and cheapest way to impact your life is by saying thank you when you go to bed and thank you when you wake up. That leads to the appropriate mindset, that leads to the heart set and the handset,” and I strongly believe it.

Not only when gratitude allows you to appreciate what you have, but it will allow you to acknowledge what you have and be capable of asking for more.

  1. Work-Life Balance:

Too many people are trying to attain things that are impossible to attain when they don’t even know what they are searching or working towards personally, experientially, giving, and receiving-wise.

You can’t give an equal amount to all of those categories each day. Instead, you need to balance every day according to the touches of favor of your day. Whether this means giving 90% to your family on some days or 70% to your career on others, you need to wake up each morning and decide what is going to assist you in achieving your goals and getting you to where you want to be.

“The real balance comes in the totality of your activities every day, month, and year and even for a lifetime. Take a weighted balance every day towards where you think you want to be.”

Work-life balance is both unique and insightful. The imbalance arises when individuals are unclear about what they truly want. I suggest a weighted balance system, allocating focus where it’s most needed or wanted on any given day. This concept invites flexibility and encourages alignment with one’s authentic desires.

  1. Continuous Learning:

One of the most powerful lessons he has ever learned includes a saying, “Be more interested than interesting.” I argue that often times people end up talking to people, rather than listening for what they might be in search for. If you are constantly asking open-ended questions, you have the opportunity to always be learning. The uses the acronym, ‘ABL’ meaning always be learning.  By being ‘more interested than interesting’, we can maintain an open mind and extract wisdom from every situation. Setting aside time each day to listen and learn can lead to transformative personal and professional growth.

“We have two ears and one mouth for one reason. We are beings that are here to learn lessons. Life is about lessons and the lessons keep on coming until you learn them.”

I encourage people to always be listening and learning as keeping the mindset of being “More interested than interesting” is the key to finding your path to success.

I am always encouraging my followers to save themselves the time and the money as well and follow these seven lessons in the path to becoming your own successful entrepreneur. With these seven lessons, I was not only able to find success and happiness in my professional career but in my personal life as well, and I encourage everyone to do the same.

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